Search Results for: ottoman

Serpent Mansion

The Ottoman Empire managed to add its own features to every region it reached, and it reached its peak with civil architecture. The most important and the most beautiful examples of civilian architecture are dispersed in different parts of Istanbul. Hundreds of different books have been written about the architectural structures and stories of the proverbial mansions around the Bosporus. …

The Local Handcrafts in Anatolia

Known as the memory of the World, Anatolia enlightens the present day with a history that spans thousands of years. Shaped by the Anatolian people, the art and culture is quite colorful. The Local Handcrafts in Anatolia live in workshops, cultural centers, fine art academies and non-governmental organizations. Some of the arts maintain their life and commercial activities through serial …

Unkapanı and Old Bazaars

Technology is rapidly evolving in the present day; even the concept of tape reminiscent of ancient times is unknown to today’s youth. For this reason, we need to explain what a long play record is to today’s youngsters who do not even know the tape in order to tell where the name of Unkapanı Plakçılar Çarşısı (Unkapanı Bazaar of Music …

Istanbul Earthquakes

The settlement of civilizations in Istanbul date back to 7th century B.C. When it was conquered by Sultan Mehmet in 1453, a new era started, as did a lot of catastrophe, including fire, flood, and plague. In recent times, when mentioning catastrophe in Istanbul, earthquakes top the list. This is not something new, though. The Istanbul Earthquakes actually go back …

Kamondo Family of Istanbul

During the Ottoman period, there was a great deal of tolerance among people. Many individuals from different nations lived happily together, especially the Jews, who settled in Istanbul after escaping the oppression and inquisition in Spain. They made many contributions to the Ottomans in terms of culture, art, and economy. The Kamondo family was one of the families that brought …

Istanbul Grand Bazaar

One of the most renowned attractions of Istanbul is the Grand Bazaar, which is indispensable for travelers and writers. The Grand Bazaar is a trade center that began construction in the 1460s at the time of Fatih Sultan Mehmet.

Turkish Series’ Filming Locations for Enthusiasts

Especially in the last ten years, Turkish series have been in high demand in the Balkans, and the Middle East. The filming locations of those highly popular series attract tourists as well, so we have prepared trip tips for Turkish series fans.

Hezarfen the First Flying Person

Hezarfen Ahmet Çelebi was born in 1609 in Ottoman Empire, and is the first flying person. He lived in Murat IV period, which marked the 17th century in Ottoman history. He is still quite renowned for his scientific works as well as his flight from Galata Tower to Üsküdar with his artificial wings. In order to realize the dream of …