Search Results for: Hittites

Çankırı City Guide: Çankırı City Guide

As one of the most beloved cities of the Central Anatolia Region, Çankırı’s history dates back to the Hittites. Hosting various migrations and kingdoms over time, this city holds an important place in history as well. Established within many beauties and with its developing status, Çankırı shows societal progress, but at the same time has not lost its traditional beliefs …

Afyon City Guide: Afyon City Guide

Located within inner part of Aegean Region of Turkey, Afyon province consists of 18 counties. It was first under the sovereignty of Hittites, then the Lydians and Phrygians consecutively. In the 6th century BC, the province was conquered by Alexander the Great and came under the domination of the Persians. After the battle of Malazgirt, its sovereignty was passed to …

Red Route: Wine in Turkey: Red Route: Wine in Turkey

It is a commonly held belief that Muslim countries have little or no connection with wine since consuming alcohol is expressly forbidden (haram) in the religion. However a country full of contrasts like Turkey never fails to surprise you and unless you are unusually well-informed, you will be amazed to find that the country has a vibrant viticulture dating back …